Beginning again… it’s real, raw and authentic.

Sunday 2nd February 2025 - Leaning into my current season of life.

It’s so beautiful to have you here… let’s go through this journey of life together.

Hello my loves,

As I sit here and right this I am sat down drinking a beautiful hot cup of coffee (a rarity as a mother hey!) and I’m ready to share the raw and realness of my beginning again journey.

There is over 150 of you in this community now which is just glorious. To some those numbers may not even be worth mentioning but I am so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you for wanting to be here from just a glimmer you have seen. Starting a business all over again at 34 as a newly single mother of two little wild ones might have seemed crazy to some but for me it was vital.

So I just wanted to give a little back story.

2024 was the year my life felt like it was completely blown apart, it made me realise a lot of hard truths about myself, and made me realise how much I was putting my power and happiness totally in the hands of others.

My marriage had been tough for a few years but we finally separated for good in July 2024, with a two year old, 8 months old, a dog, a house and bills to pay I went into survival mode, I took on lots of work that didn’t align with my values while trying to “find myself” and at the end of the year it just left me feeling hollow. As I sit here now I am coming from a place of wanting to fully live my life in alignment with my true self. At the end of the day how can I guide other women to live their Authentic truths if I’m letting the opinions of others and low self worth stop me from doing exactly that.

So below I thought I would do a little get to know me/ core values of the business… here goes:


I’m Rebecca Weilding, An artist, Mother and Witch just to name a few things. I am 34 years old, I live in Middlewich Cheshire with my little boy Ivan who is 2, my little girl Alice who is 16 months and our Dog Rufus.


I have spent my entire life wanting to make myself smaller, both physically and emotionally. I spent 17 year battling disordered eating and shapeshifting my emotions to fit what I thought others wanted me to be. Right now though, I am in a state of healing and it feels wonderful. I let my body guide me intuitively to what it needs and I no longer deprive myself. I value my health and am learning to honour my body in a way in deserves, realising it is totally perfect just as it is and forgetting the outside noise of society. These days I feel my most beautiful without makeup, in a cotton tea and linen dungarees and there was a time I never thought that would be the case.


I am an Artist. For years I put myself in a box thinking I could only specialise in one thing, who else was terrified of the phase “jack of all trades, master of none”. Im a potter, would be the words that would come out of my mouth when people asked me what I do. But now I’ve listened to my internal voice and I want my business to be so much more, I want to sculpt out of clay and paint, I want to bring women together as share my nearly 20 years of wisdom that I’ve built up within my craft. I want to make delicious food and share in those sacred spaces. I want to share stories and laughter and maybe even some tears, I want to make other women remember that we are all creative beings. That you can follow your passions, however many you have and you can make a beautiful livings for yourself doing something that you love.


I am a solo mother, I don’t get a night off (maybe one day!) I breastfeed my little ones to sleep in my arms every night and haven’t had a full nights sleep in over two years but as hard as this is and sounds, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Getting to spend 5 days out of 7 laughing and loving on these little humans I’ve created is just the best. They are my reason for doing all of this. As I watch them grow it is an honour to help them shape who they truly are. And to be honest I am re-parenting myself too every day. I’m not perfect but I want to come at motherhood with a sense of calmness and ease in the places that I was met with Anger and rushing.


I am a witch. This is an area of my life that that I have gone from and come back to for over five years now. Dulling down my spiritual side to fit in, but I don’t want to live a life of lack anymore. I want to honour my callings, listen to my inner power and share my wisdoms. It is scary to let down my walls and show the raw and real me, but I am no longer here to play it small. It is such a privilege to get to grow old and I am going to live every day of this wild and wonderful life being fully me. I’ve realised I don’t have to be for everyone but I am calling in my tribe of sisters who love me for me.


I only get two days a week to work on and in my business and I am still trying to figure out how this works. But I do truly believe that you don’t need to be working all the hours under the sun to have a thriving business. I made the decision from the very beginning that my little ones would be my main priority and that as my business feels more like a calling than a job, the universe would help with the balance of this and that everything would happen in Devine timing. I just need to surrender and let go to the process.


I am leaning into a slower pace of life while honouring the season I am currently in. I want to live a life in tune with nature as this is where I feel most at home. I want to listen to Mother Nature cycles, the way the moon calls to me and I’m so excited to see where this leads.

Phew that feels so good to write down!

I plan to build my life around my art, teaching and motherhood. A beautiful wild mess off all the things I love and I am so excited to have you here as part of the journey.

So going forward what will the business look like:

  • Beautiful artwork in the form of pottery and paintings there will be a shop update on my website on the last weekend of each month so make sure to follow for updates on these

  • Mindful makers sisterhood - because when women come together, magic happens. These are more than just a pottery workshop, its a space for you to find a mindful moment of joy, feel as peace in yourself, learn a new craft and share delicious food with other likeminded women. These will be held twice a month at the beautiful Coven’s corner @crystallia.

  • Mindful mail. A monthly subscription through your door. A little parcel of joy through your letter box once a month.

  • Mindful musing Journal - every Sunday, pottery, art, food, inspirational women. Just a little bundle of joy to your email to inspire you for the week ahead and keep you up to date with the goings on of my journey.

  • And anything else that I Feel called to share. I am so happy to have you here beautiful sister. Let me know more about you?

So much love and light to you.

Rebecca x